Thursday, August 15, 2019

pre-journey trip

How does one pack for a 6 week journey?  It is a question I ponder this week.  I have asked a friend for advice-she recommended not over packing as she had done.  She was prepared for glamour nights and camping days in the attire department and only wore a third of what she brought.  so, i can leave home my glitter dress and pumps.  She also packed art supplies, thinking she might be inspired to paint or create-wrong.  No time for that.  So, I have limited my selections to activities to do in the car.  Snacks.  Out of control.  We have enough for the entire country if there is a zombie apocolypse. Technology-everything and then some.  My good friend Lori gave me a rocketbook everlast, which I am learning hopefully before I leave.  Of course, this all hinges on internet service.

Will I forget something?  Probably.  But it isn't like I am traveling Mt. Everest.  They do have stores in the wild west.  Except for maybe the lonliest road on the planet-which we probably won't be traveling to.

Cleveland or bust!


CHARTLEY said...


rejsrsw said...

That's it..... I take much on a one week trip.... and yes I leave my pumps home also.
Enjoy your adventure

rejsrsw said...


Carrie B said...

I cannot wait to read all about your adventures!

MRMacrum said...

Is this your first blog and/or one you set up specifically for your round the big lake tour?

smartgirl1121 said...

I had one when I was working. And I had started a second one but never wrote anything.